
Simple Designs

We are a United States based company and all of our products are "Made in the U.S.A.". We are proud of this so we used .US in our domain name. When you look for us in the future, remember, we are SimpleDesigns.US.

All of our products sold here are "Green" environmentally friendly and made out of Recycled Materials.

We are committed to using the most environmentally friendly products and services available. We started our business with green practices from the ground up and found innovative ways to do our part for the planet.

In addition to progressive recycling regiment, we also do the following:

   • All of our products are made from recycled materials.
   • We Design Environmental Homes.
   • We have eBooks available for all our website information.
   • Our printer cartridges are reusable.
   • We only use post-consumer recycled paper in our store.
   • Our shop light fixtures use low energy, high efficiency bulbs and ballasts.

The information on this site was put here for the sole purpose of making everyone's life more Simple. We offer useful information in the form of PDF downloads as well as provide additional links to further assist with research on specific topics.

We hope to protect individuals from being taken advantage of by providing information and useful steps to simplify these complex processes. We have several websites ranging from:

Patent Guides Car Buying Guides Environmental Home Designs

as well as other Products that we are in the process of developing and patenting.

There are surveys on our sites that pop up when you request to download information. They are a means to provide a small amount of support for our sites so that we can continue to provide useful information, links and tools which we hope will help make your life simpler,

...and a simpler life is a means to a better life!